20 September 2023
2 min.
At Boostalab
19 October 2022
6 min.
At Boostalab, we surround ourselves with exceptional collaborators who share our values and our mission. We can always count on them to provide you with an unforgettable learning experience. As true partners, these people help us make the world of work even more human and efficient.
Today, we invite you to discover Julie Godin.
I am a consultant and facilitator in organizational development. I offer a helping hand to organizations and individuals wishing to strengthen or transform I have the privilege of accompanying individuals who wish to progress in this direction. I love to do this through workshops that promote team interaction and learning and to be able to juggle the dynamics of a group to achieve this. I particularly enjoy looking for new ideas to create that little spark that will make someone want to do something new or different. It’s a pleasure that is renewed every time I start a new project or when I teach a new group of students.their management practices or to work better in teams.
I am above all passionate about learning. I have the privilege of teaching the “Skills Development” course at HEC Montreal.
And like a true scout, I am always ready to collaborate with Boostalab when called upon!
I know one of the co-founders since we studied together at university (I won’t tell you which one… A hint: he looks like Justin Timberlake!!).
So I’ve been following the evolution of Boostalab since the beginning. When I started consulting, the connection between us was natural thanks to the convergence and complementarity of our ideas.
Boostalab is a balanced mix of rigour and “we don’t take ourselves too seriously”, which, in my eyes as a consultant, is a considerable quality. This makes the team accessible, human, and open-minded.
What I admire about the Boostalab team is their willingness to truly embody the values and principles they put forward. They truly believe in them. This authenticity creates a trusting workspace and a fertile playground for ideas and boldness.
The power of connection. I have a facility for making connections between ideas and juggling divergence. I love the discomfort generated by the complexity of an initial situation in order to extract the essence, simplify and then create possibilities.
This ability to connect also translates into my ability to make connections with and between people. I always know one person who can help another!
I am truly passionate about skill development. After more than 15 years of experience in organizations, I made the leap into consulting in 2019.
I consider myself lucky to be able to do so at a time when many organizations are looking to transform their culture or management practices with values that appeal to me: a more inclusive, less hierarchical leadership, focusing more on collective intelligence than on individual performance.
I have the privilege of accompanying individuals who wish to progress in this direction. I love to do this through workshops that promote team interaction and learning and to be able to juggle the dynamics of a group to achieve this. I particularly enjoy looking for new ideas to create that little spark that will make someone want to do something new or different. It’s a pleasure that is renewed every time I start a new project or when I teach a new group of students.
My very first conference with Dr. Serge Marquis. He has a way of telling things in a powerful and human way. One of his stories demonstrates the importance of “Letting Go”. I was permanently marked by this lesson. I apply it when I need to put things into perspective or release pressure. Maybe that’s why I was often described as a very “Zen” person when I worked in an organization.
Be curious, accept that you don’t know everything, take pleasure in being wrong in order to make new discoveries.
But above all, take pleasure in learning from others. From those who have different experiences or expertise from yours or who think differently from you. Listen, debate healthily and accept that everyone can teach you something new, even if you don’t agree with their ideas or prefer your own at first (Pssst: It’s not a fault to change your mind!).
Questioning or doubting yourself does not mean a lack of confidence, but an openness to learn. Everything starts from there, in my opinion!
Hmmm… hard to say because I’ve never been a person who idolizes people. And if I did, I think I would freeze up when I met them, which certainly wouldn’t make it a rewarding or memorable moment. My “top date” is more about meeting a person – not necessarily a well-known person – who can share their passion, with a critical and nuanced eye. And that they have a gift for telling things in a humble and captivating way.
I made myself memorable at my 30th birthday party. In fact, I bet all the guests remember it perfectly well, even though it happened almost 20 years ago.
I was notable for my… (drum roll)… ABSENCE!
In fact, I went into anaphylactic shock as soon as the celebrations began. So I spent the night in the emergency room. The context and criticality of the situation made the whole episode, let’s say… spectacular. This story will stay with me for the rest of my life. To this day, people talk to me about it. There are even people, whom I don’t know, who tell me “Ah, you’re the famous girl my friend told me about…!!!”
You may have the chance to meet me during a Boostalab workshop. Otherwise, you can follow me on LinkedIn.