Thanks to this checklist, you will probably identify the key skills on which you would like to help your team progress. Knowing is one thing. But taking action is even better! And if you want to educate your team on specific soft skills and embark as many people as possible, at a pace that suits them, our ready-to-train kits are the ideal solution for the situation.

Time required– 45-60 minutes of auto-training, tops!

Who the kits are for– The entire organization: managers, leaders and employees

Where – Hosted online

Languages – French, English or bilingual

Included –
Our ready-to-train kits focus on the topic or soft skill of your choice. A kit may include a self-assessment, a short video, an action guide, suggested reading, a self-facilitated workshop and a webinar.
Intended results
- Learning is accelerated and teams are quickly made aware of the best practices to adopt
- Practical courses of action that are easy to implement on the day are explored
- As many people as possible are given the tools and are able to use a common approach
The best kits to boost Virtual intelligence
The Virtual Intelligence path
You won’t find any great existential theories in the Virtual Intelligence program. The content gets straight to the point to quickly develop the 10 key skills of virtual intelligence. And, since each person learns differently, various types of content are offered: videos, self-assessments, guides and suggested reading.The program is simple and guides participants towards the development of the necessary skills to work better at a distance. It aims at well-being while provoking a sustainable move to action.

Duration –
12 weeks, 30-45 minutes per week

Who it is for – Any natural work team, management team or project team of 5 to 15 people working remotely or in hybrid mode

Facilitation – Autonomous, facilitated by someone within your organization or by a Boostalab facilitator of learning experiences

Language – French, English or bilingual

Included –
The Virtual Intelligence path includes ready-to-train kits on the 10 key skills of remote work, three enlightening workshops and two transformative team challenges.
Intended results
- An efficient way of working is established to improve remote work
- The quality of virtual conversations is improved
- Successful trust-building practices are in place
- Teams have developed standards for working together remotely.
- Psychological proximity between colleagues is enhanced
- Teams collaborate better and are engaged.
- Sincere and kind exchanges are encouraged
- Teams have developed their digital agility
- And many more!