Soft Skill

Managerial transition

Do you have new managers joining your organization or who have recently been promoted? As you probably know, there is a transition period to allow them to develop the new reflexes that are essential to perform in their new role. By focusing on good practices from the start and building relationships based on trust, there is a good chance that your new managers will be committed to the success of both their teams and your organization!

Help your new managers

Why support new managers?

It is not enough to grant a promotion and hope that the new manager will come out on top without a little help! By placing themselves in a position of authority over their former colleagues, or by arriving in a team that is already well established, the new manager risks experiencing difficult and sometimes delicate situations.


In order to make this transition a success and ensure that the team embarks on this new adventure, we offer tips and tricks, food for thought, and action to support new managers in their new role!

Intended results


Each new manager is able to plan their own transition in a way that is smooth for them and their team


Strong bridges are built with their colleagues


The connection between the new manager and their employees is deepened through inspiring individual and team meetings

Find your solution

Training solutions to help your newly appointed managers shine

Help your newly managers develop the skills they need to shine in their new position with a solution that triggers real action. This is how you can reconcile performance and wellbeing in a simple way.

Estimate your investment

Develop your new managers' leadership.

Make an appointment
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Client testimonials

Success Stories

Sometimes, daring to do things differently takes us further than we could have imagined. Why not do like they did?

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Good listening and understanding of needs, relevance of proposed solutions and adaptability: 3 qualities that are always present during our collaboration. In short, working with Boostalab is simple and effective! The tools are aligned with the latest trends and correspond to what we were looking for: very concrete and action-oriented!

Senior Advisor - Banking sector

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Oxfam-Québec wanted to provide its managers with practical tools to help them acquire the skills they needed to master in this new remote management context. The virtual intelligence course appeared to us as a more complete and flexible alternative to a one-day training course.

The videos, interactive questionnaires, and concrete tools offered online allow for immediate application of what has been learned within the work teams, and managers are able to see positive changes immediately. The process is a great opportunity to bring managers together around unifying objectives and helps develop interactions between managers from different departments and promotes cohesion.

Cédric Tremblay

CRIA, Business Partner - Human Resources Oxfam-Québec

Case studies

Some transformed teams

Learn how our interactive paths have helped many teams take action and develop their skills.