Soft Skill

Aligning and empowering

How do you ensure that everyone is moving in the right direction? How do you ensure effective follow-ups without falling into micromanagement? How to develop best practices to align while empowering your teams?

Develop this skill

Why learn to align and empower?

In our complex and evolving organizations, we can quickly lose track of priorities or feel inefficient. To stay on track and ensure that everyone is moving in the right direction, it’s best to arm yourself with good practices for planning… and communication! It is also important to ensure that follow-up mechanisms are in place to prioritize and encourage autonomy and learning, without falling into micromanagement.

Intented results


Activities are planned and prioritized according to established goals


The right strategies are used to empower teams


Follow-ups are effective and empowering, without falling into micromanagement

Find your solution

Training solutions to better align and empower

Help your leaders and managers better align and empower their teams with a solution that triggers real action. This is how you can reconcile performance and wellbeing in a simple way.

Estimate your investment

Help your team leaders better align and empower

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Client testimonials

Success stories

Sometimes daring to do things differently takes us further than we ever imagined. Do like they did.

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We wanted to offer a customized program for our emerging leaders. They had common development needs and we wanted to capitalize on the intelligence of the group to create emulation and mutual support among them. We were looking for a dynamic firm with thought-provoking and action-oriented content, interactive facilitation and an empowering, strengths-based approach. Boostalab met these criteria and more! I regularly recommend Boostalab for the above reasons, but also because they are people of heart and very passionate, they act consistently to help people combine happiness and performance at work, the content is "on the mark": based on science, very well explained and synthesized, which makes it accessible and effective.

Catherine Boulos

Corporate Advisor, Organizational Development - STM

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Oxfam-Quebec wanted to give its managers practical tools by allowing them to acquire the skills they needed to master in this new context of remote management. The virtual intelligence course appeared to us as a more complete and flexible alternative to a one-day training course.

The videos, interactive questionnaires and practical tools offered online allow for immediate application of what has been learned within work teams, and managers are able to see the positive changes immediately. The process is a great opportunity to bring managers together around unifying objectives and helps develop interactions between managers from different departments and promotes cohesion.

Cédric Tremblay

CRIA, Business Partner - Human Resources Oxfam-Québec

Client case studies

Some transformed  teams

Discover how our interactive paths have helped many teams take action and develop their skills.