3 March 2025
6 min.
12 November 2021
3 min.
Misunderstandings, feelings of being misunderstood, differing interpretations: between colleagues, we talk and write to each other almost every day. Yet… how is it that communications are so smooth with some colleagues and difficult with others? A hint: explore on the side of communication styles.
Your most striking characteristic is your deep relationship with facts, data… and details. Owls have excellent night vision: you go beyond the surface to objectively analyze information, find patterns and thus get closer to the truth. You have a keen eye for the relevant details that often go unnoticed and are skilled at problem solving.
You communicate in a logical way, with seriousness, precision and efficiency. In your communications, both verbal and written, you express yourself in a direct manner, and you dislike jumping from one topic to the next. While you may sometimes seem very critical, or lacking emotion, you are still able to influence others by taking the time and the means to convince them. You’re drawn to analysis, planning and control.
Like the monkey, you make your presence known. You’re passionate, enthusiastic and effusive, even in written form where you don’t shy away from using multiple !!! and emoticons 🙂 You express yourself with ease and are drawn to change and innovation. Your imaginative discourse easily draws attention. You tend to regard details as irrelevant, and tend to over-commit yourself — challenges are one of your greatest motivators.
You’re adaptable and resilient while remaining playful and optimistic. You’re able to easily and creatively respond to demands. You can be hard to follow, as you tend to quickly switch directions, jumping from one topic to another. You can be called upon to look at a situation from a new angle, and to find optimistic ways to operate.
Like the lion, you represent self-confidence and swift action. Your communications convey determination and self-assurance, and focus on action. You strive to influence others, and thus guide them on the path to obtaining results. You’re comfortable making requests, and prefer short and practical discussions. You’re comfortable expressing your point of view, and can become impatient when conversations linger. You know what you want, and you know how to lead. You make swift decisions, based on facts. In a conversation, you position yourself as an authority, and easily convince others. You’ve sometimes been told to take the time to better listen to what others are saying before reacting.
Like the panda, you embody tranquility and determination. You are both strong and flexible, patient and attuned to others’ needs, which makes it easy for you to connect with others. You avoid conflict (even when it’s against your interests) and are easily able to reconcile different perspectives. You take the time to consider several points of view before making decisions, and strive to integrate the different aspects of any situation to create harmony. You enjoy team work. You’re very attuned to your environment, and can experience stress when you’re surrounded with noise and frenzy. You remind others of the importance of self-care as well as caring for others. You don’t always state your opinions clearly, and others may ask you to take a stronger position. You’re a powerful support to those who need courage and consistency in their efforts.